#121 - chrissi is still alive in vienna and is waiting for a call...
#121 . 2009-02-24 20:27:02 :: chrissi is still alive in vienna and is waiting for a call...


#120 - fragee is still alive in home sweet home @ carinthia... dude, seriously, where does all the snow come from?
#120 . 2009-02-07 12:24:42 :: fragee is still alive in home sweet home @ carinthia... dude, seriously, where does all the snow come from?

comments (1 inside)

#3 - dev: just testing the new comment feature ;-)
#119 - da and no other will die today - cause wir are all is still alive in space  [mobile]
#119 . 2009-02-07 03:44:14 :: da and no other will die today - cause wir are all is still alive in space [mobile]


#118 - GC is still alive in linz city...and he is very tired too
#118 . 2009-02-07 00:58:29 :: GC is still alive in linz city...and he is very tired too


#117 - david is still alive in altenfelden - although his eyes are getting heavy
#117 . 2009-02-07 00:27:32 :: david is still alive in altenfelden - although his eyes are getting heavy


#116 - lahas geile wärmeflasche  is still alive in her messy bedroom =))
#116 . 2009-02-24 20:26:33 :: lahas geile wärmeflasche is still alive in her messy bedroom =))


#115 - marion is still alive in vienna
#115 . 2009-02-06 14:46:07 :: marion is still alive in vienna


#114 - Guggi sad, desperate but alive in is still alive in Straden
#114 . 2009-02-06 14:26:42 :: Guggi sad, desperate but alive in is still alive in Straden


#113 - jana says "Hello!" because she is still alive in europe
#113 . 2009-02-06 11:22:09 :: jana says "Hello!" because she is still alive in europe


#112 - GC is thinking about what to eat today, but he is still alive
#112 . 2009-02-06 11:08:54 :: GC is thinking about what to eat today, but he is still alive

comments (2 inside)

#2 - GC's: choice was a hawaii and he is still alive
#1 - david: had selfmade selchroller with pürree and is still alive