#231 - Toffyboffy is still alive in Berlin @ eye - square
#231 . 2009-03-31 13:25:38 :: Toffyboffy is still alive in Berlin @ eye - square


#230 - david is still alive in altenfelden and he still doesn't realize that he has finished is project.. tomorrow he will write the bill.. no matter what
#230 . 2009-03-30 23:21:26 :: david is still alive in altenfelden and he still doesn't realize that he has finished is project.. tomorrow he will write the bill.. no matter what


#229 - Has anyone else the impression that this day just sucks? Well at least myself is still alive in side this really weird day.
#229 . 2009-03-29 18:47:03 :: Has anyone else the impression that this day just sucks? Well at least myself is still alive in side this really weird day.

comments (3 inside)

#101 - g: I have the impression that that this morning sucks.
#100 - Benni: starving african children have worse days than you have. Does that mean you arent allowed to complain as well?
#99 - Georg feels dead inside, but: You poor bastard. My days have been even worse, so stfu already.
#228 - präsi is still alive in el sapperlote  [mobile]
#228 . 2009-03-28 22:01:58 :: präsi is still alive in el sapperlote [mobile]


#227 - yours truly, after effects is still alive in wherever
#227 . 2009-03-27 16:29:26 :: yours truly, after effects is still alive in wherever

comments (1 inside)

#96 - david: hey but this error actually really says the truth :)
#226 - David has been/ is still alive in Vienna at the mando diao concert with Kefa  [mobile]
#226 . 2009-03-27 10:18:48 :: David has been/ is still alive in Vienna at the mando diao concert with Kefa [mobile]


#225 - The German guy is still alive in Bremen, GER! =)
#225 . 2009-03-25 19:02:22 :: The German guy is still alive in Bremen, GER! =)

comments (3 inside)

#102 - deutscher: joa..geworfen..und joa.. wenns sommer wird... gehts los. hoffe das geht sich aus. :)
#98 - Benni: Ja, Deutscher! Wir verlangen dein Erscheinen zum fröhlichen buschenschankeln... is sich ja nicht mehr ausgegangen n'est pas?
#94 - Georg feels dead inside, but: Kamera geworfen? Cooles Bild! Wann kommstn wieder mal?
#224 - I'm going to kill david for having the best internship ever. Right now he is still alive in deed, but soon he will feel the revenge of my mighty fist!
#224 . 2009-03-25 17:51:28 :: I'm going to kill david for having the best internship ever. Right now he is still alive in deed, but soon he will feel the revenge of my mighty fist!

comments (19 inside)

#97 - Chuck: I know a man who kills all of you with his little toe, while sneezing with his eyes open.
#95 - mike: i really did.
#93 - benni: gernot, i thought you are on my side!? do you really wanna meet my triple thunder fuckfist of fury? Or should we join forces to give david what he deserves: the triple thunder nuclear dragon fuck fist of fury punch!!!
#92 - david: i know that's a little bit cheating but i am the creator so swallow this
#91 - gernot: by the way ben - have you met my friend, the nuclear dragon fist? I think she got a crush on your face, she told me once. She's just a little shy.
#90 - gernot: .
#88 - gernot: I'M GONNA F&%/*ß#= YOU!!!
#87 - gernot: wait a sec... what are you going to do, david?
#86 - gernot: no, I'M THE REAL MASTER OF DISGUISE!!
#85 - david: i know i am the master of disguise
#83 - benni: oh my god, who is the real david???
#82 - david: first you have to decide which one is the real one - *mysteriöse musik einspiel*
#81 - benni: and this never seems that harmful until you feel it in your face
#80 - david: catch me if you can
#79 - david: you see not everything is like it seems in the first place
#78 - benni: I'm going to kill david for travelling to ny and watching flight of the conchords live! That's not fair!
#77 - benni: Verzeihung, wusste ich nicht...
#76 - david: deine aggression ist fehlgeleitet. nicht im zuge meines internships schaue ich mir f.o.t.c. an, sondern im zuge meines urlaubs
#223 - Georg feels dead inside, but is still alive in Austria
#223 . 2009-03-24 00:35:37 :: Georg feels dead inside, but is still alive in Austria

comments (1 inside)

#84 - cole black: luv this one.. :P
#222 - Every day porn is still alive in Brighton, UK!
#222 . 2009-03-24 00:13:31 :: Every day porn is still alive in Brighton, UK!
